Second Life Time

All times on this website use SLT.
SLT stands for Second Life Time.
It’s just another way of saying Pacific US Time Zone.
Linden Lab, the makers of Second Life, are located in San Francisco, which uses Pacific Time.

When San Francisco changes time zones for Daylight Savings Time and Standard Time, Second Life Time changes, too.

So if your principality, theocratic dictatorship, or banana republic does not change time for Daylight Savings or it changes on a different schedule than most of the United States, you will need to adjust accordingly.

Because many of you are European, this site also uses 24-hour time format. And, usually, your viewer will display times in whatever you set Windows or MacOS to.

Time Format

To change the format of your time in the top viewer bar:

  1. Open Preferences (Control-P).
  2. Click the User Interface tab.
  3. Click the Top Bars top tab.
  4. In the Time format picklist, select the format you wish to use.
  5. Click OK.

For more information on how to customize your Firestorm top bar, read their documentation.

When does Daylight Savings Time start?

Google it.